About Us

Who We Are

Basically, we are the Church Committee of Cork Unitarian Church. We are the ones responsible to see that the church has the resources it needs to do its work, and we also set direction and establish priorities as to how church resources are used.

You can reach us via:

What We Do

We provide a venue for art exhibits. We do this in order to:

  1. Raise money for the support of Cork Unitarian Church and its ministries.
  2. Showcase and promote local art talent.
  3. Contribute to the social and cultural richness of our local community.

Your Privacy

This website captures no personal information. We provide no data from this web site to other organisations. Our web hosting service captures standard technical data (e.g. IP address, essential cookies, etc.) for purposes of secure and efficient web hosting.

This site does allow for two passthrough methods where you can identify yourself when you communicate with us.

  • Social Media – At present our social media is conducted through Facebook pages and groups. These operated under the privacy controls provided by Facebook.
  • Email – When we receive an E-Mail from you, it will be safeguarded according to Cork Unitarian Church’s overall data privacy policy.